Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Putting my personal projects on Subversion

Several personal projects, including the ones I've done for job interviews, little tutorials I've made for myself, and the tool for EvE Online.
I noticed recently that DreamHost offers free svn hosting, and I just got around to jumping on that. Funny - it just feels SO good to give those projects a proper home. I just don't feel like code is in any stable state until it's in a VCS. :)
Unfortunately, in order to get DreamHost to let me run Atlassian Jira/Greenhopper and Jetbrain's TeamCity, I'd need a Virtual Private Server plan with them so I can run tomcat. I doubt that's worth it at the moment.
Still, it's nice to have a home for my code :)

Most of it is in private repositories, but I've exposed MarketAgent (read-only).

Friday, August 12, 2011

The clearest and most complete ReST(ROA) and SOAP(SOA) comparision I've ever seen

Of the many clarifying nuggets in this article, I got from it:

  • ROA is resource-centric, with the resource specified by the url, and the client specifies the method (GET, PUT, etc) to be called on the resource.
  • SOA is service-centric, with the service specified by the url, and the client specifies the resource upon which the service is to be performed.

InfoQ: Is REST the future for SOA?