Friday, May 20, 2011

From Red Tape to No Tape: Maximizing Agile in Your Organization - Part One

From Red Tape to No Tape: Maximizing Agile in Your Organization - Part One: "By limiting people’s creative thinking, initiative, and ultimately sense of control over their work, some of the major advantages of agile are quashed; the ability to push decisions to the level of the organization where the work is (and therefore the most is known about the work) and the ability to use many minds to collaborate in ideas."

1 comment:

  1. My other favorite piece is "Agile is practiced simply as a new series of techniques, not as a new approach to engaging their staff."

    The whole notion of "Superiors" and "Subordinates" has had meaning in the past (say, in military structures, or slave labor), but is so terribly out of place in technology companies where the "laborers" are often overall more educated and experienced than the "managers." (Certainly within the area in which they work).

    That culture has always bothered me, and I've always felt it should shift more toward a "peer" structure in which each role has an area of expertise, and they each perform that in mutual support of the end goal.
